Welcome to Otori.org
Welcome to the humble realms of Otori. We hope you enjoy your visit, and that you provide humourous and interesting discussion. Make yourself at home! Brought to you by those who are proud to be Otorians. May Otori Forever Prosper!
Hovering above the decaying ruins, we are Clan Otori.
Unified as one spirit we shall surpass all others!

We are still recovering from an ISP crash. The Discussion Boards are available, and the rest of the site is being worked on. -CMorrigu 07/07/31
Read about one of the Kingdom of Loathing's top clans.
Work with the Kingdom-famous Otorian Philanthropic Buffbot, Testudinata (#537858).
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Peruse the detailed history of Clan Otori.
Validate prospective members before letting them join your clan, and report undesireables.
A clan isn't much of a clan if it doesn't have any members. Check this out to hear a litle more about past and present Otorians, in their own words.
Members Only
Otorians only section. If you are not a current member of Clan Otori, then you may not enter this section.
KoL Links collected by the Otorians.
Otorian Streaming Radio, listen live.
KoL Spoilers section. If you do not want to be spoiled, do not view any of these sections.
Explore the Adventure Statistics and discover the most effecient location and configuration to optimize your daily turns.
A sortable list of the locations items can come from, adventurable and otherwise.
KoL has six different character types, each with their own distinctive strengths, weaknesses and styles. Learn a little more about them here.
A table of the various buffs and status changes that can affect your character, including their causes and effects.
Looking for a companion for your travels? A comprehensive list of KoL's familiars of past and present.
A list of items by their in-game numbers, including their descriptions and locations.
The two moons, Ronald and Grimace, play an important part in life in the Kingdom. Learn how to use their various effects to your advantage here.
Learn about the skills available to different classes as they increase in level, and what they all do.
Decorate your player profile with nifty images. Preview them here and learn how to get them for yourself in-game.
Find out what's needed to install each of these at your campground and show the world your accomplishments.